The Bachelor of Medicine Study Program provides socialization, refreshment and shared perceptions regarding Basic Clinical Skill 3 material to facilitator lecturers who will accompany 3rd semester PSSK FK Unud students in undergoing BCS training. This activity was held on Wednesday, November 15 2023 in the Prof. Meeting Room. Dr. N. Bagiada, CVU Building, 2nd floor, FK UNUD. There are 20 training participants, who are facilitators who will accompany students in carrying out Basic Clinical Skill 3 training from 16 November 2023 to 7 December 2023.

This activity began with remarks from the Chair of BCS 3 Block and was officially opened by the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Medical Study Program, Dr. I Wayan Sumardika, S.Ked, M.Med.Ed., Ph.D. Through this routine activity, the facilitator lecturers participating in the training can understand and have the same perception regarding the study guide material, so they can accompany, facilitate and direct the 3rd semester PSSK FK Unud students in undergoing Basic Clinical Skill 3 training well, in accordance with the study guide provided.